Do you know all these little secrets of all copper lamps?

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-02-13
As the name implies, the surface of the all-copper lamp is colored and anti-oxidation treated on the metal surface of the all-copper lamp. This is one of the important processes in the manufacturing process of all-copper lamps. It is related to the appearance of all-copper lamps and their ability to withstand harsh weather. This is a subject of chemical application, and there is a lot more emphasis on it. For all-copper lamps, the colors currently commonly used in China are nothing more than bronze, black and dark brown. The key is that the chemical treatment method is different, and the quality is also different, which can be seen from the color. Take bronze as an example: the closer the copper lamp is to the natural bronze, the better. The stronger the surface texture through the copper, the better. It is worth emphasizing that there are many articles in the process of making bronze with all-copper lamps. Although they are all called bronze, they are also divided into many kinds according to different color differences. Even bronze with similar colors is divided into more than ten kinds, the price of surface treatment is also very different, from 60 yuan/square meter to 400 yuan/square meter. The price in sequence is generally from high to low, and the cost difference is very large, sucker countless (This is the degree). There are many professional problems here, because they are too complicated, so we can't introduce them one by one here. I can only tell you a simple way to roughly distinguish the bronze color of all-copper lamps: Observe the surface of all-copper lamps that have been post-processed with naked eyes. 1. Observe the surface of the all-copper lamp. If the surface of the lamp body or fittings has small irregular lines (Like real bronze)The closer you are, the better. 2. Discoloration, observing the lamp body, it is found that the same accessory has different shades or the surface of the copper piece seems to have a layer of fog covering it, indicating that the post-process treatment failed to follow the steps and methods. It should be noted that the copper materials on the surface of different all-copper lamps have different copper contents due to different manufacturing processes, so there is also a certain color difference between non-copper fittings, this inconspicuous color difference cannot be regarded as discoloration. 3. Pantothenic acid, looking deep from the surface of the all-copper lamp, found that the surface of the all-copper lamp has color spots, just like pig iron rust. This shows that after the all-copper lamp is cleaned by the mixed solution of acid, the residue of acid is not cleaned, resulting in a chemical reaction with copper. From the surface, there is a little trace similar to rust, in serious cases, all copper lamps will be very ugly.
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