could a super-fast scanner the size of a desk lamp be the next must-have digital gadget?

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-03-26
For my old job, I rarely miss the daily pricing points of about 300 retail investment funds less than scanning.
Starting at seven o\'clock A. M. , run the 2300 pricing point the night before to get the late closing price of our Irish Fund and the closing price of the Japanese and Chinese markets closed at six o\'clock A. M. our time, before the frenzy of on-site pricing points 0830, 1000, 1100, 1200 and 1300, prices on the US market at two o\'clock P. M. and four o\'clock P. M. we compare the prices of 10,000 investment funds, stocks, exchange traded funds, special purpose vehicles, bonds, Treasury bonds and derivatives, and we are also very tired
Then it\'s time to scan the file;
Each pricing package is printed out, distributed around the team, regrouped together and placed on a team leader\'s table, each of which must be scanned for storage electronically (
And physically, at some cost).
It was found to be therapeutic;
The boss will finish all nine bags alone in the corner of the room to calm his daily anger;
Others scan in pairs, catch up with gossip, or skip the daily report under this pretext.
It can be said that no one likes it, but it has to do so.
Those scanners were made by boys.
First of all, they are not scanners, they are printers with scanning function, they just don\'t like to deal with crumpled coffee stain paper, covered with red ink, fingerprint marks and stains, page after page.
So it seems to me that each office has a super scanner location;
In fact, if we have a team, it\'s scary to think about how efficient my old team will be.
How much overtime may be saved by my old company (
Yes, they hired City of London analysts to scan over the weekend and yes, we broke a lot of printers and drove the rest of the office to the corner).
I read today that a university in Tokyo has created an experimentaldestructive (i. e.
You can scan without removing books or magazines, and the curved pages can be read and straightened in the software)super-
200 pages of scanners can be processed per minute.
But if I tell you that you can have your own \"super scanner\", which the manufacturer claims is the fastest scanner in the world and can connect to Wi-
Fi, doubles as a video projector with 16 million MB
Pixel camera, 32-bit mips cpu, LED light, can be used as desk lamp, USB port, HDMI connector and fingerprint removal software for less than $200?
It looks like a good idea, isn\'t it?
Kang Chau, a Chinese entrepreneur who invented such a project, has so far raised $150 from more than 500 supporters.
Headquartered in Shenzhen, his company CzurTek has spent 3 years developing the product, which they say is more than 20 times faster than traditional flat-panel scanners and is able to scan 500 in 7 minutes
This device comes with built-in
In algorithms that adapt to the curvature of the book and make sure it looks flat on the screen as well as remove fingerprints and other soil, the appearance is certainly notable;
Its 14 inch x 8x15 and appearance (
Thanks to the LED light if you want)
Like a desk lamp.
Sony offers a 16 million-pixel camera;
Algorithms for cleaning up pages and removing curvature were developed by three technical teams with over 40 years of experience in developing Image algorithms.
CMOS scanner (
Complementary Metaloxide-semiconductor)
Quiet, efficient and fast technology.
Processing speed from high speed DSP (
Digital Signal Processor
DDR for coordination and space nuclear power sources (
Double Data Rate)and 1G flash.
It has black and white (
Unfortunately not Rose Gold)
, Equipped with a 1 feet pedal when your hand cannot withstand any scanning pressure, it is possible to scan almost anything (Even sculpture)
And convert to JPEG, PDF, and TIFF files, and support OCR (
Optical character recognition
Create an editable document.
In short, it may not be a new iPhone, but there is no denying that it is a good iPhone.
CzurTek says well-designed and assembled products have been tested hundreds of times to make sure they are straight out of the box every time.
Also, it\'s cheap enough that you can surprise your team with one on each table, although you might want to make it clear, but you don\'t say what you think they really value your company!
CzurTek\'s scanner has even been recognized by Chinese Premier Li Keqiang, who is said to have commented, \"Chinese manufacturers are highly creative talents and they are passionate about their ideals \", before awarding the founder Zhou Kang a golden key, this is a symbolic award for \"opening the door --
China was successful at this summer\'s Davos Technology Forum.
Czurtek wants to ship a large number of products to the West, presumably the second generation of equipment;
It uses \"Czur cloud\" so there is no need to install drivers or software and the result will appear on your device;
Tablets, PCs, laptops, or smartphones can immediately project them onto HDMI quality screens using connectors.
The team may be optimistic that this is a potential alternative to Google Books, where Google employees scan more than 20 million books and upload them to the online digital library.
A few days ago, the US appeals court ruled that Google could continue scanning 0. 13 billion books worldwide to store online libraries. Despite protests by the Authors Association and a group of independent authors, it confirmed an earlier ruling announcing the \"fair use\" of the project as it provided public services.
Google believes that the project, like the \"card catalog in the digital age\", is designed to show pieces of books rather than copy them completely.
Google says they will face billions of dollars worth of damages claims from authors if they lose.
CzurTek says their products can help people build their own personal libraries and create a personalized reference library in Wikipedia style.
Eat your heart, Larry Page.
A small study shows that the team seems to have found a gap in the market (
Although I welcome comments from anyone who meets similar products and can compare and compare them);
There are not too many disruptive scanning products.
One downside is that there doesn\'t seem to be an attached device to automatically flip the page of the book or file you are trying to scan.
I know this can be done, so even though I like the idea of having my own private scanner, I\'m sure I don\'t have the patience to go through the whole book and I suspect others do the same.
This is a shame because if not, the kindle will eventually be eliminated.
Still, if I want to scan the thousands of business cards I \'ve collected over the years and store them in excel, the problem is solved.
Also, I would like to know if CzurTek\'s team is considering giving up the equity of the company rather than choosing a reward-based activity.
This will highlight their entrepreneur qualifications and open up a competitive space for further confusion and competition.
From a design point of view, the product stands out and doesn\'t have to sacrifice any basic functionality to be so compact, so the problem for me is at this point;
It must be very powerful and will never crash in order to succeed.
Maybe one day I\'ll review those hours, or, rather, Weeks (
Maybe even a few months.
The time I spent before the shout, in front of my colleagues, as the best day of my career.
But somehow I doubt that.
I will bring a private scanner as it is a tool to solve the problem, but I am wondering if there will be a deluxe version coming out and I would like a 2 year guarantee.
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