contemporary lamp shades

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-06-13
Customers often ask for modern lampshades, which often refer to current popular styles and are often seen in recent design magazines and other current home lighting publications and advertisements.
The definition of contemporary: marked by contemporary features, immediately related to contemporary, some view of modern times is ironic here.
Most modern lampshades today have their origins long ago.
For example, the most popular ones today are drum and shallow drum.
Both originated in the year 00 s.
Are they Contemporary? Are they retro?
Is it retro? Yes. Yes. Yes.
Examples of its origins, in addition to the contemporary era: Mica-
About 1900 black developed-
Decades ago
Decades ago
Decades ago
Developed in the early 19th century-
In the early 19th century of use-
Used in rectangles in the early nineteenth century-
In the square at the beginning of the 19th century-
In the early 19th century of use --
In the Victorian era (1800\'s)Burlap -
Age of developed countries
Linen products developed in the early 18th century
Suede used in the early 19th century-
Used in 19th century metal-
AgoPaper developed for decades-
In the use of agoFabric for decades-
In the early 19th century of use-
Used in swicker in the early 19th century-
Used in strings early in the 19th century-
Used in the early 19th century summer. . .
So one of the main questions is, what color is the contemporary lampshade not?
The answer is that few people can\'t be considered the lampshade of the present age.
The main reason for this puzzle is the popular compromise decoration method, including a variety of cultures, periods, methods or styles composed of elements from various sources.
I may discuss many contemporary subcategories in future articles.
These include trendy, industrial and other specialty shades that are not widely used at the moment. -
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