Congratulations to Zhejiang Wenzhou Huasheng successfully took an O2O order

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-02-02
Congratulations to Zhejiang Wenzhou Huasheng successfully took an O2O order! It's really good news. Today, another O2O dealer successfully took an O2O order. The customer found us on Tmall. The customer came from the overall home decoration. He wanted to install the house before the new year. In the communication with the customer, he learned that the customer is the O2O dealer Wenzhou Huasheng lighting area, after the transaction, the snooker Network Department directly pushes the order to the dealer. This is how snooker Mercure O2O cooperation deals online and offline, making it easy for you to make money! To join the lighting, you can find snooker Meiju. Snooker Meiju O2O mode allows you to make money easily. For details, please consult the national toll-free hotline of snooker Meiju: 400800-7609.
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