crystal dining room light How to Faux Paint your Wooden Table Top to Look Like Granite

by:EME LIGHTING     2019-12-06

The granite table top is stylish and modern, and any kitchen or restaurant feels luxurious.Unfortunately, few of us can afford a real granite table.It was notoriously expensive and too heavy to be practical as a table.However, you can still have the look you want for a fraction of the price.Use artificial paint treatment on regular wooden tables.Achieving the granite top look is one of the simplest types of artificial paint operations, and the results are both amazing and practical.Granite is a natural stone with many different color variations.You may want black or dark gray, bronze or bronze, or white granite with stylish elegance.The trick to achieving the granite look is layering in different colors.When deciding on your color, choose a dark color, an intermediate colorHue color, and light color in the same color series.If you can, take a look at the catalogue, or check out the granite countertop area of your home improvement store to see the shades you like.Wooden tables are the most effective for this project.If you have a table made of some kind of laminate or plastic, you can also use it.Just know that your paint work may not last too long on a laminated or plastic desktop for heavy use.Plastic and laminating materials don't absorb paint as much as wood, so they have a tendency to start cracking or peeling faster.On the other hand, if you have an old table and don't mind investing a little paint, you can get a year or two (or more) depending on how often you use the table, and how rough it is to handle, for very little investment.But the wood, especially the unfinished wood, will last the longest and most durable.For paint, you need a quart of acrylic primer, a quart of acrylic metal gold paint, and a quart of dark acrylic semi-finished productsGloss color of your choice, one quart off acrylic, halfThe gloss of your choice is medium-tone, a light-colored half with a quartThe gloss acrylic tone of your choice, small (touch-Size) medium tone tan acrylic half tankGlossy paint and transparentdrying, non-Acrylic varnish yellow.You also need a nap with inches, roller Pan, 3-One-inch pain brush, a big sponge, a bag of foam plastic plates, some old newspapers, plastic garbage bags, panint tape, Rag and sandpaper.If there are cracks or small holes in your desk, you need the seam compound and putty knife.Keep your vacuum convenient.Put the table on the rag in your work area.Cover the table legs with plastic garbage bags and paintero Ducs tape to prevent them from being painted.Look at the surface of your table.If the paint has been painted several times, you may need to do more preparation if the paint is old or worn out.Clean thoroughly with a gentle detergent and cellulose sponge to really remove dirt.Fill gaps and cracks with putty knives and some joint compounds.Smooth it with medium-grain sandpaper.You can polish it by hand or polish it with a Palm Sander if you want, but it's really good to wear it if you remove any sealant, wax or smooth paint surfaces.Vacuum the dust as you move forward.If your table is not finished, clean wood, you can skip all of this.No matter what type of work you need on the surface of your desk (if any), the last step is to polish it with fine grain paper.This gives it a smooth surface and the paint is well attached.Clean up the dust and wipe the table with a sticky cloth to remove any last residue.Decorate the table with a roller and use an inch nap to make the best and smoothest coat.It's better to make two light or even a coat than to wear a heavy one, so be a little lighterhanded.You want to cover the first underlying coating of your desk with gold metal acrylic paint.One of the signs of granite is the glittering metallic spots;In order to achieve this effect, these will be shown through very little.When you draw on a gold base coating, don't make it uniform and perfect.Instead, take a brush and continue the brush with a random, criss-crossed stroke.Don't go back even if they go out.You want this change.Let the coat dry after about 30 minutes.The first color you want to add to the granite should be the medium tone of your choice.Stir your paint and pour a little over your foam sheet.Wet your sponge and wring it as hard as you can and you don't want to drop anything.Pat the sponge into the paint and pat it gently in the newspaper.This will stain it so you don't get a thick paint.Do it every time you do it againLoad the spongeTake the loaded sponge, Pat and pat on the surface of the table.You want a heavy blob effect so don't completely cover up all the gold.Let the color dry for about 30 minutes first.When you wait with soap and water, wash your sponge until the water runs out when you squeeze it.The second color you apply for should be the darkest or lightest of your three individual choices.Remember that the second color will not be the dominant color.If you want the darkest color to dominate, please choose the brightest color for the second coat.If you want the lightest color to be the dominant color for your table, choose the darkest color as your second color.Mix the paint on a new foam sheet and drop a little bit.Pat the color on the sponge, apply it in the newspaper, then pat it gently on the table, this time saving a little bit more than the last color.In the same way, you will pursue the mottled effect;Now, you want to show some of the previous colors and gold through this.When you're done, clean your sponge and let it dry.This time you will apply the last coat in your dominant color.Using the same technique, Pat this color gently on the table and let the clusters of other colors show up.Continue until you like the overall coverage.Let it dry.Still, clean the sponge because you haven't finished cleaning it yet.The natural granite has a earthy hue, mottled with other colors.To achieve this look, please get the shadow of Tan acrylic paint.Mix a part of the paint with four portions of latex waterBased on the transparent glaze, stir evenly to make the glaze colored.Pour it into the plate, pat it, and stain the damp sponge.Be careful to take a bit of this glaze, whether here or there.Play a few times every few inches.Because the glaze is translucent, the other colors will still be transparent from the bottom.Let the glaze dry completely overnight.Apply a clear acrylic varnish.You can scroll or brush on it, but try not to draw any strokes on it.This seal will do two important things: it will make your grannett look shiny and polished and protect your precious paint work from wear and tear using the table.Don't panic when the varnish looks cloudy;It's dry.Acrylic varnish is thinner than oilPolyurethane (you should not use it on this project ).Therefore, prepare to apply at least three to four layers of acrylic varnish to allow the product to dry completely between two layers.Check out your table legs before you ask it to finish.With the new faux granite desktops, they may not look attractive or appropriate.Now may be a good time to paint them in a rich color, or to paint them in a solid color, contrast with granite and match your d-shade©Cole.After you heal your table for a week or two, set it up with your best plates and cutlery, put a beautiful vase on it and invite some family or friends to dinner.Wow them with your new table.You can tell them that it is not granite and shock them, you draw it yourself, though be careful;They may start asking you to help them with some projects at home.Or, you can just close your mouth and have them on the deer to see if anyone notices it's not really a stone.
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