7 Plants that Improve Your Home’s Air Quality

by:EME LIGHTING     2020-06-07
Dark clouds coming out of high-rise buildings, surrounded by a smoke that will never disappearEnd the flow of cars and trucks.
This is the image that the average person is most likely to think of when asked to describe air pollution.
While this image of air pollution is both real and threatening, many do not realize that it does not accurately describe the worst air quality you may experience every day.
Where is the worst air quality?
Maybe in your own living room.
That’s right.Your Own Sweet home can be contaminated with stagnant and poorly ventilated air.This air is trapped in nowhere to go, and its invisible toxic cloud is causing serious damage to your home and your health.

It is generally 2 to 5 times the level of outdoor pollution.Uninformed criminals like furniture, candles, air fresheners, chemicals, etc.

To turn your home into a polluted playground
Frustrating news: Is there any way to remedy it?
Yes!Rescue is the mother of nature.
It turns out that there are several different types of plants that can serve as natural air filters for your home!
How so?
When plants absorb carbon dioxide, they also make us a major solid by absorbing some other harmful particles from the air at the same time.
According to NASA
Not to mention the plants, as well as some nice home decor.
Let\'s take a look at the top seven plants of the best natural air filters.
Boston fern is second to none in the treatment of formaldehyde, a by-product of chemical cleaners and paints.
In addition, it has done a great job in the treatment of benzene and PX, which are present in the exhaust gas of the car and like to enter the room from the attached garage.
The maintenance of these plants is a bit high, but it is definitely feasible to take care of them.
They prefer to be wet and water regularly.This can be daily depending on the humidity and humidity levels in your home.
The Boston fern thrive in high humidity, indirect light, and is soaked once a month.
Spider plants are a great start if you are just starting to test your green thumb.To be honest, you have to try to kill these plants.
The spider factory does a great job of fighting some of the most common home air contaminants such as benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and PX, the solvent used in the printing, rubber and leather industries.
These plants are pets, too.Friendly and almost as easy to regenerate as they live.All you need to do is cut off one of the \"spiders\" and put it in a new jar.
Spider plants like warm temperatures, indirect sunlight, and dry soil.
Aloe vera is one of those plants with so many super abilities that it should actually get its own position.
This easy-to-Juicy growth helps your home to say goodbye to formaldehyde and benzene.
However, it can do more than just clean the air.
Aloe vera can also help treat wounds and burns, relieve skin irritation, relieve constipation, moisturize hair and scalp, help digest and enhance the immune system.All you have to do is open a leaf and take advantage of the gel inside.
In fact, people have been using the magic power of aloe vera for thousands of years.The Egyptians even called it an \"immortal plant \".
This hardworking plant loves the sun and makes the perfect decoration on the coffee table or kitchen window.
Don\'t be confused by its name.This plant is peaceful when it comes to eliminating harmful air pollutants.
Peace Lily can remove three of the most volatile organic compounds (VOCs )-Formaldehyde, benzene and vinyl chloride, as well as the compounds found in many household industrial products, toluene and PX, also do a good job.
Peace Lily is another plant that maintains a relatively low level, and it only needs some shade and weekly watering to thrive.Also, when the plant needs to be watered by drooping petals, it will give you a friendly reminder.
Please note, however, that leaves may be toxic to pets and children.
Want to give a little color to your home?
Enter chrysanthemum.A beautiful plant not afraid of formaldehyde.
Very picky about your color scheme?
You\'re lucky on chrysanthemums.Except for blue, this plant has rainbows in almost every color.When you buy, just double check and you will get the indoor variety, not the garden variety, because the garden variety is not easy to maintain indoors.
These bright flowers are huge fans of bright sunshine and low humidity.Just make sure to water under the leaves to prevent fungal infection.
Many gardening professionals will warn not to use British Ivy outdoors because it has the terrible ability to tear off the ditch and damage the look of your home.
But if you bring it in, it will be cold.The plant can filter formaldehyde and reduce the amount of feces in the air.
It is able to climb as it grows, which also makes it an excellent decorative piece.
The British Ivy League likes wet soil and has about four hours of sunshine every day.
This banyan tree is native to Southeast Asia and is lush indoors and can even grow to 10 feet tall!
This plant helps fight against common contaminants on carpets and furniture.
Banyan prefers bright indirect light, which can easily be transported outside when the weather is warm enough.

While these natural air filters will definitely reduce your indoor air pollution problems, it\'s always a good idea to invest in some people

as well.
Have you used any plants on the list as an air filter for your home?Let us know in the comments below!

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